Applications for more than $5.575 billion in funding from three different surface grant programs at the U.S. Department of Transportation will be accepted under one application, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said Tuesday.
The grants, part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure law, will fund projects designed to strengthen supply chains, spur economic development, and improve safety. Applications are being solicited under the Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant program.
“From fixing rural roads that would otherwise have trouble getting federal funding, to addressing some of the largest and most recognizable bridges and tunnels in the country, the funds in these three programs are supporting transformational infrastructure projects across the nation,” Buttigieg said. “Using a combined process to reduce paperwork, we are pleased to open this new round of funding for applications and look forward to hearing from project sponsors around the country seeking funds to help strengthen their communities through infrastructure.”
The available funding includes $1.8 billion for the National Infrastructure Project Assistance (Mega) program that supports large, complex projects difficult to fund through other means; $3.1 billion for the Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) program that awards competitive grants to improve the safety, accessibility, efficiency and reliability of multimodal freight and highway project of national or regional significance; and $675 million for the Rural Surface Transportation Grant to support surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas.
In 2022, the DOT awarded nearly $1.2 billion for 9 Mega program projects; $ 1.5 billion for 26 INFRA program projects; and $274 million for 12 rural grant program projects.