On Friday, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) released two new statements on the Washington Union Station Expansion Project and opened the documents to public comments.
Through July 6, FRA will accept comments on a Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS), as well as a Draft Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act Programmatic Agreement and Draft Section 4(f) of the US Department of Transportation Act Evaluation. The SDEIS assesses the potential impact on the environment of a new preferred alternative developed after the FRA received public comment to a 2020 Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
Designed to improve rail infrastructure that would accommodate increased intercity and commuter rail service, the project aims to reconstruct tracks and platforms at the station, as well as provide new internal circulation space and amenities, allowing for higher levels of train service. The project would support intercity passenger service on the Northeast Corridor through Maryland Area Regional Commuter (MARC) and Virginia Railway Express (VRE).
The new preferred alternative accommodates bus routes, and substantially reduces parking while allowing for pick-up and drop-off below the tracks. By placing vehicle below ground, as substantial cost, the preferred alternative creates more opportunity for commercial development and public space above the tracks, the FRA said.
The changes were requested by the District of Columbia and other stakeholders, the agency said. Reducing parking revenue and expanding the station will require new sources of income to maintain and operate the station, however, and the FRA is looking to the governments of D.C., Maryland and Virginia to become funding partners that will ensure continued viability of the station.