The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) recently opened the application period for the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program.
A total of $1.177 billion will be awarded to individual communities or groups of communities, including cities, counties, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, multijurisdictional groups, federally recognized tribal governments, towns, and special districts that are subdivisions of a state, certain transit agencies to fund local projects that improve roadway safety.
“The crisis of traffic deaths on our nation’s roadways demands urgent and sustained action by us all,” U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said. “With our Safe Streets and Roads for All program, we are helping communities across the country save lives by making their roads safer.”
The SS4A grant program launched in 2022 to address the high number of traffic deaths nationwide. It is part of the agency’s National Roadway Safety Strategy.
Funding can be used for known high-crash areas, improving sidewalks and adding high-visibility crosswalks, reconfiguring intersections, and other uses.
As part of their Action Plans, applicants are encouraged to submit proposals that include the use of demonstration activities, also known as “quick build” projects. The application deadline is July 10.
USDOT plans to award at least $250 million in demonstration activities this funding round.