California state officials recently reaffirmed a $110 million investment in a training facility at the San Pedro Bay ports complex for supply chain workers.
Funding will be spread across three fiscal years, starting with the 2022-23 state budget.
The Port of Los Angeles and Port of Long Beach Goods Movement Training Campus will provide job opportunities for residents in nearby communities. It also will attract, recruit, and retain workers in the goods movement sector.
Dockworkers, truck drivers, warehouse employees, and other essential logistics workers can attend. They will learn how to operate equipment that will help the San Pedro Bay ports enhance air quality, combat climate change, and transition to zero-emissions operations by 2035.
“The Goods Movement Training Campus is a big deal, not only to the City of Long Beach – where one in five jobs are connected to our port – but also to this region and the state of California,” Long Beach Mayor Rex Richardson said at a ceremony to present a ceremonial check. “It’s important for us, as public servants, to ensure our residents are prepared to have good-paying jobs well into the future, and the role this campus will play in it is huge.”