The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) Board of Directors recently authorized the T to begin negotiating the purchase of approximately 24 acres of land at Widett Circle, one mile from Boston’s South Station.
The land would be used for a commuter rail layover yard that would service and store trains overnight and between trips.
The MBTA identified Widett Circle as a critical location to provide layover functions on the south side of the Commuter Rail network as part of the South Station Expansion (SSX) project.
The SSX State and Federal environmental filings the MBTA won approval for in 2016 and 2017 included a yard at Widett Circle.
The MBTA currently uses layover facilities that are at or beyond capacity and have operating inefficiencies. Limited rail space available near South Station compounds the problem.
A layover facility located at Widett Circle would reduce the time trains must layover at South Station. This would increase capacity for additional rail services at the station, such as the future South Coast Rail.
In addition, using Widett Circle would lessen congestion on the Fairmount Line and provide the opportunity to increase service along the line.
The MBTA anticipates future conversations with the City of Boston regarding adjacent properties.