Michigan’s State Transportation Commission (STC) recently approved the final version of the Michigan Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) 2023-2027 Five-Year Transportation Program (5YTP).
The 5YTP is a list of planned projects for the MDOT Highway Program and contains information on the Public Transportation, Rail, and Aeronautics programs. It also contains the agency’s long-range goals and strategies for asset management with project programming and monitoring of performance measures and budget targets.
A total of $15.8 billion will be made in state and federal investments.
The MDOT Highway Program addresses state-maintained roads, bridges, and facilities. Highway program projects focused primarily on repairing and rebuilding MDOT roads and bridges will receive $11.8 billion. More than $1.2 billion will be through Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s $3.5 billion Rebuilding Michigan program.
Priority was placed on Highway, Public Transportation, and Aeronautics Program projects that will contribute to MDOT’s focus on equity and inclusion, transportation resiliency, and pedestrian and bicycle improvements,
Multimodal programs will receive $3.9 billion, MDOT public transportation will receive $2.9 billion, and Aeronautics will receive $1 billion.
The 5YTP will be posted on MDOT’s website. It also will be presented to the Michigan Legislature, the state budget director, and the House and Senate fiscal agencies by March 1 as required by law.