The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) recently launched a survey seeking the public’s input on the agency’s updated 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan.
The plan is the state’s guidelines and vision for the transportation system over the next 25 years. It is not project-specific, focusing on strategic priorities, goals, and objectives that will guide ADOT’s transportation investments based on anticipated funding levels.
ADOT intends to allocate future resources across three major investment types: preservation, modernization, and expansion.
Preservation is defined as activities that maintain the current state highway system. This includes replacing, repairing, or maintaining pavement or aging bridges.
Modernization is defined as activities that improve the safety and operations of the existing state highway system. This includes adding shoulders and implementing smart road technologies.
Expansion is defined as activities to add new highways, add lanes to existing highways or add interchanges.
The plan identifies projected funding gaps that would hamper meeting transportation system needs.
The agency seeks feedback on the plan’s priorities for how it should invest limited resources across the state.
The survey closes on Dec. 21.
ADOT expects to finalize the Long Range Transportation Plan in May. In the spring, it will hold public meetings and a virtual town hall in central, northern, and southern Arizona.