Connecticut recently released $6.8 million in Transit-Oriented Development Grant Program funds for seven projects in six municipalities.
The program supports transit-oriented development. Eligible projects are located within one-half mile of existing public transportation facilities. Projects must promote the development of infrastructure to create walkable, mixed-use spaces that support sustainable and equitable communities.
The Office of Policy and Management sought applications earlier this year. It reviewed, rated, and ranked proposals with the input of other state agencies.
New Britain was awarded $2 mill for Myrtle Street Improvements. The project will build bus shelters, improve pedestrian infrastructure, and implement enhancements to provide better connectivity to alternative transportation methods.
Norwalk was awarded $2 million for the Pinnacle Transit-Orientated Development Infrastructure Project. Work includes the installation of crosswalks, sidewalk repair, underground utilities, and
managing stormwater.
Madison was awarded $761,134 for Madison Center Project Streetscape Improvements. Work includes the construction of streetscape and other roadway and pedestrian improvements in the center business district and removing and relocating overhead utility facilities.
Seymour was awarded $686,770 to acquire a vacant parcel across the street from the Seymour Metro North Waterbury Branch Line railroad station to develop a mixed-use transit-oriented development project.