Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear announced Monday the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) had received more than $5 million in federal funds to prevent wrong-way crashes on Interstates in his state.
Kentucky’s Wrong Way Driving and Integrated Safety Technology System will receive $5.14 million from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) program. The ATCMTD program provides more than $45 million in grants to deploy advanced intelligent transportation system technologies to improve mobility and safety, as well as provide multimodal transportation options and support underserved communities. Kentucky is one of 10 ATCMTD grant recipients, the FHWA said.
“Wrong-way driving is a major safety challenge, not only in Kentucky but also throughout the United States,” Beshear said. “These funds will allow us to use innovative video technology to help monitor and bolster safety on corridors prone to these types of incidents.”
The Wrong Way Driving system uses computer programming and video processing to detect and deter wrong-way accidents. If the system detects a wrong-way driver, it will alert the driver, other drivers on the road, and emergency personnel. The system will also improve existing intelligent transportation systems by monitoring Interstates for other hazards like pedestrians, debris, and vehicles stopped on the roadway.
“Improving highway safety is a core focus of the Transportation Cabinet,” said KYTC Secretary Jim Gray. “These funds will allow the KYTC to utilize the latest in technological advancements to help prevent crashes, injuries, and fatalities on our roadways.”
Using existing digital and roadway signs, the system will be implemented in Fayette and Jefferson counties, where most of the wrong-way crashes in the state occur. The system will add more signs, cameras, sensors, and other equipment using grant funds. Locations for the equipment will be identified based on crash history and ramp design.
“Roadway infrastructure improvements are part of a comprehensive effort to curb these tragic events,” Gray said. “In addition to implementing this new technological system, we’ll continue researching statewide opportunities to address wrong-way crashes, such as striping and signage. While our existing signage and markings meet federal requirements, we’re looking at how to enhance visibility and uniformity at every off-ramp.”