The Porter Rockwell bridge in Bluffdale, Utah, recently opened to traffic. The bridge connects Mountain View Corridor to I-15 via Porter Rockwell Boulevard.
This connection is expected to reduce congestion on I-15, Redwood Road, and Bangerter Highway. The 435-foot-long and 65-foot-high bridge spans the Jordan River and UTA and Union Pacific railroad tracks.
“With this project, we’ve built a new connection in our transportation system that can be used by anyone – whether they’re walking, riding a bike, or in a car,” Carlos Braceras, Utah Department of Transportation executive director, said. “This will help people in southern Salt Lake or northern Utah County travel where they want, when they want, and how they want.”
The bridge was the final phase of a project to build a new east-west route to connect I-15, Mountain View Corridor and Redwood Road at the far southern end of Salt Lake County.
Over the past decade, Porter Rockwell Boulevard was constructed in phases. The new road features transportation options for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists.
A 10-foot path along the north side provides an east-west connection for pedestrians and bicyclists while pedestrians and bicyclists can safely access the Jordan River Parkway Trail from beneath the bridge.