The Pennsylvania State Transportation Commission (STC) recently updated the 12-Year Program, a multimodal, fiscally constrained planning tool used to identify and prioritize transportation projects and the funding needed to complete them.
No capital project can move forward unless it is included. State law requires the STC to review and update the plan every two years.
During the first four years of the plan, the state anticipates $11.4 billion for public transit, $16 billion for state highway and bridge projects, $168 million for aviation, $232 million for rail freight, and $331 million for multimodal projects.
The updated plan anticipates that $84 billion will be available over the next 12 years. Funding would be from state, local, and federal sources, including the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
“The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law has already made a noticeable impact on transportation projects in Pennsylvania across all modes,” Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Secretary Yassmin Gramian said. “While additional investment in our large transportation network is certainly needed, PennDOT takes pride in being a responsible steward of federal, state, and local dollars to help improve infrastructure across all modes.”
The secretary of PennDOT, the majority and minority chairmen of the state House and Senate Transportation committees, and 10 appointed citizens sit on the STC.