New Mexico Gov. Lujan Grisham announced Saturday that his state was committing $1.7 million to repair a Roswell bridge that collapsed last month in a 100-year flood event.
The project will also cover flood mitigation efforts to protect the bridge from future incidents of heavy rainfall, Grisham’s office said.
“I am happy to dedicate $1.7 million in state funding to this important investment for the community of Roswell,” the governor said. “My administration is deploying funds across the state that move beyond stop-gap measures when it comes to our infrastructure – in addition to repairing this bridge in Roswell, we will build more robust flood mitigation that will keep area residents safe for years to come.”
The bridge over Berrendo Creek collapsed in late June as a truck drove over it, officials said. According to police reports, the bridge had been weakened by the amount of water running in the creek due to heavy rains and collapsed under the weight of the truck. The occupants of the truck were not injured, officials said. The area received more than 3 inches of rain in an hour causing flooding in the area, according to the National Weather Service in Albuquerque.
The bridge had also collapsed due to flooding in 2013, officials said, and was replaced. However, additional changes are needed to address flooding vulnerabilities, the governor’s office said. The plan announced Saturday will allow for enhanced debris flow, avoiding clogs, and reduce strain on the structure in future heavy rainfall events.
Funding for the project will come from the State Road Fund via the New Mexico Department of Transportation, Grisham’s office said.
“This investment will go a long way to not only replace the bridge, but to fix it right for the safe travel of the citizens of Roswell,” said Roswell Mayor Timothy Jennings.