The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) recently awarded $107.8 million in state-matched funds to 224 Indiana cities, towns, and counties through Community Crossings for local road projects.
The Community Crossings initiative is part of the state’s Next Level Roads program.
To qualify for funding, local governments must provide matching funds of 50 percent for larger communities or 25 percent for smaller communities. They also must have an asset management plan for maintaining existing roads and bridges.
Applications are evaluated for a project’s impacts on safety and economic development as well as need and current conditions.
Half of the available matching funds must be awarded to communities located in counties with a population of 50,000 or fewer, according to state law.
“Community Crossings improves safety and reliability of local roads as well as enhances connectivity in all 92 Indiana counties,” INDOT Commissioner Mike Smith said. “INDOT is excited to join with our local partners to deliver on these high-priority projects, and I look forward to the transformative effect of this work in our communities in the months ahead.”
Applications for Community Crossings are accepted in January and in July.
Since 2016, the initiative has awarded more than $1 billion in matching funds.