The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Office of Public-Private Partnerships (P3) is accepting unsolicited proposals for transportation projects from the private sector through April 30.
The private sector may submit applications for non-PennDOT-owned assets and PennDOT-owned projects, infrastructure, and services.
Proposals must offer innovative ways to deliver transportation projects across a variety of modes including roads, bridges, rail, aviation, and ports. Proposals also can include more efficient models to manage existing transportation-related services and programs.
Interested parties can view active projects and obtain information on how to submit a project and the unsolicited proposal review process can be found on the state’s P3 website.
Under the state’s P3 law, PennDOT and other transportation authorities and commissions are permitted to partner with private companies to participate in delivering, maintaining, and financing transportation-related projects.
PennDOT holds unsolicited proposal periods annually in April and October. The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, transit authorities, and other transportation entities outside of the governor’s jurisdiction may establish their own timelines or accept proposals year-round.
The seven-member Public Private Transportation Partnership Board examines and approves potential public-private transportation projects. Companies will be authorized to submit a proposal and enter into a contract if the board determines a state operation would be more cost-effectively administered by a private company.