The Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA) Board of Directors approved the release of its proposed Fiscal Yar 2023-2027 MBTA Capital Improvement Plan for public comment Thursday.
The release marks the beginning of a30-day period members of the public have to comment on the plan that includes over 500 unique capital projects to modernize, expand, and increase the reliability of the MBTA transit network.
“With the goal of improving reliability, modernizing the system, expanding capacity and the network, and continuing to make critical safety improvements, the MBTA’s five-year CIP is an important document that guides our investment planning, and input from the public is one of the most important parts of the process,” said MBTA General Manager Steve Poftak. “I thank the Board for approving the release of our proposed CIP and hope we hear from as many riders and members of the public as we can on the kinds of capital investments they’d like to see us make over the next five years.”
The document includes an overview of MBTA’s capital planning process, summaries of investment programs, and a full list of capital projects to be funded in the five-year plan.
Public comment on the plan is due before Monday, April 25. Interested parties can also participate in any of three virtual public meetings held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on March 31, April 6, and April 12. Feedback received during the public comment period will be used to inform investment decisions and will be considered as MBTA refines its plan for release in May 2022.