The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is seeking comments from the public and the aviation industry through Feb. 25 on a planned update to guidance for evaluating noise and land use around airports.
The FAA will use comments it receives to update the Noise Control and Compatibility Planning for Airports advisory circular.
The advisory circular provides airport sponsors guidance on conducting an airport noise and land use compatibility study that meets Federal Aviation Regulation, Part 150, requirements.
The study evaluates the compatibility of properties surrounding airports regarding airport noise and develops mitigation measures.
Studies are voluntary, but sponsors who participate may be eligible to apply for Airport Improvement Program grant funding to mitigate noise impacts. Once a sponsor participates, it must comply with statutory, regulatory, and Airport Improvement Program grant assurances.
Grant assurances are obligations airport owners or sponsors, planning agencies, or other organizations must agree to before accepting funds from FAA-administered airport financial assistance programs. Assurances become part of the final grant offer or in restrictive covenants to property deeds and often are attached to the application for federal assistance.
The duration of obligations varies and may include requirements to maintain and operate facilities safely and efficiently in accordance with specified conditions.