The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is seeking public comment on the draft 2022-2026 Five-Year Transportation Program (5YTP) and the draft Michigan Mobility 2045 Plan (MM2045).
The MDOT is looking for public and stakeholder comments on projects for freight, rail, transit, passenger, aviation, bicycle, pedestrian, highway, and other transportation issues important to Michigan. The public comment period for the 5YTP closes on Aug. 27, while the public comment period for the MM2045 closes on Aug. 31. The 5YTP outlines $15.1 billion in anticipated state and federally funded investments for MDOT roads, bridges, safety, operations, and maintenance projects expected to begin within the next five years, including $12.2 billion for the Highway Program, primarily focused and repairing and rebuilding MDOT roads and bridges; and $2.9 billion for the Public Transportation Program, covering MDOT bus, marine, rail and aviation projects.
The MM2045 defines the long-term direction for Michigan’s transportation network for all users. The plan is the first of its kind to incorporate the state’s overall vision for its transportation system, as well as the State Rail Plan and the State Freight Plan, as required by the federal government.
The MDOT will hold two virtual public meetings for MM2045 at 5 p.m. on Aug. 3 and 10 a.m. on Aug. 4. Links to the meetings are available on the MDOT website. Comments can also be submitted by phone, email, or mail to the MDOT Environmental Services Section. More information is available on the MM2045 website.