The North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) recently finalized Transportation Connection, its long-range transportation plan.
Transportation Connection identifies plausible scenarios for transportation in the state 25 years into the future. It is NDDOT’s approach for planning and addressing challenges maintaining the state’s transportation system.
“The development of this statewide long-range transportation plan is truly a collaborative effort and will benefit North Dakota residents for years to come,” NDDOT Director Bill Panos said. “The plan received input from numerous state agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, local governments, community organizations, trade associations, and tribal nations, as well as the general public.”
Five goals are listed in the plan: connecting North Dakota, keeping residents safe, helping people get where they are going, investing for the future, and caring for what the state currently has.
“In total, thousands of North Dakotans from across the state provided input on every aspect of the plan. This plan defines a strategic direction for NDDOT and our planning partners in making decisions and improvements to transportation infrastructure and programs over the next 25 years.”