Pennsylvania’s Public-Private Transportation Partnership Office recently opened the application period for a public-private partnership (P3) with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) to administer the Major Bridge P3 Initiative.
The initiative will design, build, finance, and maintain one or more bridge packages. Packages will include bridges and infrastructure such as toll buildings and gantry structures.
PennDOT announced candidate bridges in February and is conducting environmental reviews and evaluating public feedback.
Interested private-sector companies must submit their qualifications to compete for the opportunity to enter into a pre-development agreement. Qualifications must be submitted before
11 a.m. (EST) on Aug. 5.
“While we’re reaching out to the public and evaluating the candidate bridges for this initiative, we’ve seen significant private-sector interest in this program,” PennDOT Secretary Yassmin Gramian said. “This initiative will quickly address and fully pay for badly needed work on important interstate bridges and make work on other projects possible.”
The P3 Board approved the project on Nov. 12 and has hosted three industry forums on scope and requirements. It also has conducted public outreach for National Environmental Policy Act requirements for each candidate bridge, various legislative and stakeholder engagement, and the PennDOT Pathways transportation funding initiative.