On Tuesday, Business Roundtable and the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) said the only winning solution to infrastructure investment was a bipartisan one.
In a statement, the two groups said some consensus was needed between the parties to pass an infrastructure bill in Congress.
“There is broad, bipartisan agreement that our nation’s infrastructure needs updating. This is the type of fundamental consensus that is an anomaly in today’s Washington—making it even more critical that lawmakers seize the opportunity to deliver for the American people,” said Business Roundtable President and CEO Joshua Bolten. “We continue our call for bipartisan legislation to enact significant investment in physical infrastructure—from roads and water systems to broadband—and policy changes that will unlock private capital and encourage public-private partnerships. We urge the Biden administration and members on both sides of the aisle to reach a compromise on a true infrastructure package.”
The groups recommended a $1 trillion package that would invest in mainly physical infrastructure, including transportation, water, broadband, and clean energy, while making policy changes to leverage private sector investment and reform the permitting process.
“Our nation’s economy is both fragile and in need of significant investment. A $1,000,000,000,000 transformational investment in infrastructure would create good jobs, increase global competitiveness, and address the growing climate crisis. In addition, a significant bipartisan agreement would strengthen public faith in government and rebuild the trust and goodwill required to govern a divided nation,” said BPC President Jason Grumet. “Working together, Congress and the administration can launch a bold modernizing agenda covering infrastructure needs from transportation to telecommunications to the transmission of clean power. It is time for both parties to ‘take yes for an answer’ and move our nation forward together.”
Because the reconciliation process prohibits key policy improvements, the groups said, the only winning scenario for businesses, workers, and families in the United States is a bipartisan bill passed through regular order that makes the needed changes.