Governors Highway Safety Association urges people to stay safe on the roads

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The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) reminds motorists to stay safe this summer.

“Everyone is excited to reconnect now that America is opening up,” Jonathan Adkins, GHSA executive director, said. “As more people take to the road this summer, our focus on safety during the pandemic needs to extend to the driver’s seat. Remember to buckle up, drive sober, stow your cellphone and drive the speed limit. We shouldn’t compound the many deaths caused by COVID with additional loss of life on our roads – that is preventable.”

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a decrease in traffic in 2020, but that trend is expected to reverse this year. The pandemic also increased unsafe driving behavior. Additionally, the 2020 data is showing a 21 percent increase in pedestrian deaths, reflecting the largest jump in the history of federal record-keeping.

Over the Memorial Day weekend, approximately 34 million Americans were expected to take road trips, according to AAA, a 52 percent increase from last year.

The period between Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day weekend is referred to as the “100 Deadliest Days” due to a historic increase in traffic fatalities in that time span.

Several states and territories have created safety initiatives. These focus on seat belt use, reducing drunk and drugged driving incidents, and reminding drivers of the dangers of not following posted speed limits.