U.S. Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA) and U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) introduced legislation Tuesday to reform federal infrastructure programs and projects to benefit local communities first.
The Build Local Hire Local Act would ensure that the communities where infrastructure projects are taking place are the first to benefit from job and training opportunities, which, the Congresswomen said, will raise wages and labor standards, strengthen unions, invest in American manufacturing, and create new opportunities for high-quality jobs.
“When a new infrastructure project is started in 37th District, it should be our community who gets the first shot at the new jobs associated with completing the project,” Bass said. “It’s a common-sense step for our government to make it easier for companies to generate jobs in the very counties and states where their transportation projects are located. Communities shouldn’t have to wait for infrastructure projects to be finished to benefit from the investment.”
The legislation would also create targeted hiring practices that use registered apprenticeships and coordinate with state and local workforce development boards; encourage the use of best-value contracting and neutrality in union organizing to ensure that projects place a premium on jobs, safety, equity, climate resiliency, and environmental justice instead of just on the bottom line; dedicate investment to struggling areas and connect communities to greater opportunities through new performance measure; and provide pathways to careers in construction, specialty trades, and other infrastructure jobs.
“As our country focuses on rebuilding our economy and infrastructure, we have to invest in policies to build a more equitable future and to tear down physical and economic barriers in our communities. The Build Local, Hire Local Act will ensure that underrepresented and underserved communities can access federal infrastructure opportunities that create jobs and spur economic growth,” Gillibrand said. “It will also make sure that we are hiring from those same communities to get the job done, with better wages and better working conditions.”