A total of 218 cities, towns, and counties in Indiana recently received $100.2 million in state matching funds for local road projects through Community Crossings.
Applications were evaluated based on the projects’ impact on safety and economic development, infrastructure needs, and current conditions.
Local governments must provide local matching funds from a funding source approved for road and bridge construction. Larger communities are required to provide a 50 percent match, while smaller communities must provide 25 percent.
Communities also must submit an Indiana Department of Transportation-approved asset management plan for maintaining existing roads and bridges.
Under state law, 50 percent of available matching funds be awarded annually to communities within counties with a population of 50,000 or fewer.
“Community Crossings is a major asset to Indiana cities, towns and counties as they build and modernize local roads and bridges,” Indiana Department of Transportation Commissioner Joe McGuinness said. “The state’s funding partnership allows local partners to tackle larger scale project more quickly than would otherwise be possible, maximize their resources to complete more projects and achieve the best possible value for Hoosiers.”
The Community Crossings initiative is part of Gov. Eric J. Holcomb’s Next Level Roads program. Funding is through the state’s local road and bridge matching grant fund.