Three projects in New Jersey recently received more than $1.9 million for three federal grants under the Transportation Alternatives Set-Asides (TA Set-Asides) program.
TA Set-Asides provides funds to projects that improve access to transportation, provide environmental mitigation, create safe routes to school, build pedestrian and bicycle facilities, preserve historic transportation structures, and create trails promoting safety and mobility.
“As part of NJDOT’s Commitment to Communities, we work with the three regional planning authorities to provide federal funding to counties and municipalities for local transportation projects that improve safety and strengthen the cultural, aesthetic, and environmental aspects of our transportation system,” Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti, New Jersey Department of Transportation commissioner, said. “The grants announced today will fund projects to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists in three south Jersey communities.”
Grants were awarded to:
Edgewater Park Township’s Heritage Trail in Burlington County received $400,000 to construct a continuous on and off-road path.
Trenton’s Greenwood Avenue Streetscape Project in Mercer County received $519,000 to make safety and streetscape improvements on Greenwood Avenue from South Clinton Avenue to Chambers Street.
The Cooper River Bike/Ped Bridge Project in Camden County received $1 million to construct a two-span truss bridge across the Cooper River in Camden City.