The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recently awarded more than $627.7 million through the fiscal year 2021 Airport Improvement Program to airports nationwide for infrastructure and safety projects.
The agency awarded 449 grants to 390 airports in 39 states, Puerto Rico, and the Federated States of Micronesia. Awards range from $45,000 to $33.5 million.
The program promotes infrastructure, security, environmental stewardship, efficiency, and safety. The program funds projects such as airport lighting, airport markings, airport signage, runways, and taxiways.
“Airports serve as a lifeline for communities across the nation,” U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said. “Modernizing our infrastructure in a way that creates jobs, ensures safety, combats climate change, and fosters equity is a top priority for the Biden-Harris Administration. These Airport Improvement grants will help airports across the country better serve their communities.”
The largest grant, $33.5 million, was awarded to Yap International Airport in Colonia, Micronesia, for runaway rehabilitation.
Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport in Alaska was awarded $25.5 million to rehabilitate the taxiway and taxi lanes, taxiway lighting, runway lighting, and pavement surface/pavement joints. Funding also will improve airport drainage/erosion control.
Newtok Airport in Newtok, Alaska, was awarded $21.2 Million to build a new airport.