Minnesota’s Department of Transportation announced Thursday it had awarded grants totaling $14 million for four port development projects across the state.
Funded through the MnDOT Port Development Assistance Program, the projects will support freight movement along the state’s waterways.
“Access to Minnesota ports is a vital part of Minnesota’s multimodal freight transportation system,” said Bill Gardner, MnDOT’s Office of Freight and Commercial Vehicle Operations director. “The projects funded through this program maintain and expand critical commercial connections, promote local economic development at Minnesota ports, and support statewide jobs through expedited freight movement, including agricultural and other commodities.”
Projects include $6.3 million for the St. Paul Port Authority to replace 1,460 feet of dock wall on St. Paul’s Barge Terminal 2, $7.4 million for the Duluth Seaway Port Authority to repair a failing dock wall on Berth 11 at the Clure Public Marine Terminal and to construct a warehouse, and $300,000 for the Wabasha Port Authority to construct a new Mississippi River barge terminal.
Combined with federal, local, and private funding, the total cost of all four projects comes to $26.7 million.