The Marc Basnight Bridge over Oregon Inlet in Nags Head, N.C., recently became the first bridge in the state to be inspected using a drone.
The examination occurred during the bridge’s regular biennial inspection.
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) used a Skydio 2 drone equipped with detect-and-avoid technology. This allows the drone to operate within a foot of the bridge structure without the risk of crashing.
Inspection crews looked for potential defects that would require repair using a live high-definition video feed while the drone flew around the bridge’s 10 largest columns.
The Federal Aviation Administration granted NCDOT a waiver last year to operate drones beyond visual line of sight when inspecting bridges. This permits drones to fly around pillars, between girders, and inside columns.
NCDOT says drones will not replace a traditional visual inspection but will be used to supplement traditional inspections. The drones also make it easier to inspect areas of a bridge that are difficult to reach during a traditional visual inspection, reduces the need for lane closures, and saves money.
The bridge replaces the Bonner Bridge to Hatteras Island. The 2.8-mile bridge carrying N.C. 12 opened in February and will have a formal bridge dedication in April.