Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) officials have unveiled the agency’s 2021 three-year Work Plan, a $2.71 billion initiative that authorities noted contains 2,180 individual work items.
The guidance includes all capital projects and programs, maintenance and operations activities, planning initiatives, and administrative functions for calendar years 2021, 2022, and 2023. Essential services while also providing for solid capital programs amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
“In the short term, we must focus on defeating the virus, restoring our economy, helping Maine people and businesses in need, and addressing budget shortfalls,” MaineDOT Commissioner Bruce Van Note said. “In the long term, we have great opportunities to make a real difference for the people of Maine after we resolve the chronic funding challenges in our transportation system. By investing in transportation, we can move Maine forward.”
Nearly $1.4 billion has been earmarked for highway and bridge capital projects over the next three years, including 166 bridge projects estimated at $504 million; 100 miles of highway construction and rehabilitation valued at $212 million; 222 highway safety and spot improvements possessing an estimated cost of $122 million; 893 miles of preservation paving totaling an estimated $321 million; and 2,175 miles of Light Capital Paving valued at $108 million.
The plan is dependent upon funding assumptions involving state Highway Fund revenue, state bonding, and federal funds. Should funding sources not materialize, the plan’s work items would need to be adjusted to reflect funding changes.