Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) officials said a pair of new draft transportation alternatives have been added to the Little Cottonwood Canyon Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
UDOT personnel said the additions stem from public feedback and join the three alternatives previously identified in June 2020, focusing on enhanced bus service and enhanced bus service in a dedicated shoulder lane.
The two new alternatives are a gondola from La Caille and a cog rail from La Caille. Recommendations were developed from the more than 6,500 public comments and will be carried forward for further evaluation in the Draft EIS.
“Public comment is so essential to everything we do because we develop better solutions when we work together,” UDOT Project Manager Josh Van Jura said. “This level of public participation is terrific to see. It proves just how important these canyons are to our quality of life.”
Per authorities, the alternative outlining a gondola from La Caille would include a base station and 1,500-space parking structure at a proposed development on the west side of North Little Cottonwood Road at La Caille.
Meanwhile, the cog rail from La Caille would include a diesel-powered train with a cogwheel on a track underneath, providing traction for ascending steep slopes, officials said, noting a station would be located at the same location with the same parking structure and improvements to North Little Cottonwood Road as proposed for the gondola station at La Caille.
The Little Cottonwood Canyon EIS was initiated two years ago by UDOT in partnership with the USDA Forest Service and Utah Transit Authority and the final EIS and Record of Decision. It is expected to be complete by winter 2021-2022.