Amtrak officials are espousing the benefits of a federal measure designed to provide equality to rail workers by ending the worker benefits sequester.
Per Amtrak personnel, the Railroad Employee Equality and Fairness Act (REEFA) would address the sequester impacts to the Railroad Retirement Board’s (RRB) unemployment insurance benefits.
“Railroad workers have played an important role in supporting this nation and deserve fair treatment. We thank the Senate for their work and look forward to the quick passage of this legislation,” Amtrak President & CEO Bill Flynn said.
Officials said the present sequestration law was written to allow benefits to be automatically reduced each year, although budget sequestration does not apply to regular federal unemployment insurance.
The result, officials said, is railroad workers are subjected to reduced benefits while such benefit cuts do not apply to the general public.
“Railroaders have had to take a reduction on their unemployment insurance benefits for too long,” Artie Maratea, president of the Transportation Communications International Union (TCU), representing onboard service personnel, ticket agents, red caps, and customer service representatives, said. “I am happy railroaders have finally been recognized for their hard work by the Senate, by seeking to eliminate this reduction of their RUI by the introduction of REEFA.”
Larry Willis, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, said the bill brings long-overdue equality to the nation’s rail workers.
“This legislation is especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic, as benefits for rail workers and their families are needed now more than ever,” he said. “We strongly support passage of this bill by the Senate.”