The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is encouraging airport sponsors to submit funding applications through the Military Airport Program (MAP) to increase civilian aviation capacity by financing a myriad of projects.
The FAA said Fiscal Year 2021 applications would be accepted through Dec. 17, 2020, to aid in developing former military airports or designated joint-use military airfields for civilian use – with parking lot construction or repair, fuel farms, hangars, utility systems, access roads, cargo buildings, and other airfield projects at former military airports being under funding consideration.
The funds will be made available to a maximum of 15 airports, including up to three general aviation (GA) airports. Additionally, sites selected for participation may receive federal financial assistance for one to five years. Four airports are presently participating in the program.
FAA has funded approximately $753 million for MAP projects since 1991. Some of the projects are not normally eligible for Airport Improvement Program (AIP) funding. Still, projects for MAP-designated airports have eligibility rules to convert the airports to civilian or joint use.
MAP designees and new applicants are encouraged to contact the FAA’s Airports District Office for assistance.