Capital Metro in Austin hosted a virtual live event on its Facebook page Tuesday night to discuss the next steps for Project Connect.
The move came after voters passed Proposition A in Austin. At 11 p.m., the returns showed 240,609 in favor of the multi-billion dollar rail and mass transit plan, compared to 174,668 against it. The 17 percent lead included voters living in Travis, Williamson, and Hays counties.
Prop A funding comes from an 8.75 cent tax increase that would pay for $7.1 billion in transit projects, including two new rail lines, improved bus service, a downtown transit tunnel, and a new commuter rail line.
“Austin voters decided it’s go-time for Project Connect, and we are grateful for their trust and vision for the future,” CapMetro President and CEO Randy Clarke said. “This YES vote for Project Connect is a huge step toward creating a more equitable and livable city, providing more and better ways for people to access jobs, education, health care, and new opportunities.”
One of the next steps for the project is to launch the Austin Transit Partnership (ATP) to ensure transparency and accountability throughout the project, officials said.
The next CapMetro board meeting will be held on Nov. 23.
Organizers said the project would benefit the area from both an economic and environmental standpoint.
“I’m proud to live in a city that is looking to its future — one not satisfied with the status quo. Austin is pushing to be more sustainable, equitable, and affordable in new and innovative ways,” said Mayor Steve Adler. “The community has spoken, and it demands transformative change to traffic, climate and to achieve fundamental fairness and justice for all. Thank you to the broad and deep coalition that worked so hard. Record numbers of voters, especially those young and new, showed up to make “change” the winner tonight.