Arkansas voters have approved a permanent 0.5 percent sales and use tax for surface transportation projects that will include state highways and bridges, city streets, and county roads.
The Issue 1 approval demonstrates how Arkansas voters value a strong road and highway system.
Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) Director Lorie Tudor said the passage represents a win for the state.
“The continued investment and progress in our roads will increase safety and mobility and provide economic opportunities for generations to come,” she said. “This success is due to a strong collaboration by all stakeholders. Thanks to Arkansas’ voters for understanding the value of good roads. In 2012, 58 percent of voters approved a temporary half-cent sales tax for a set of state highway widening projects that were clearly defined. This provided ARDOT an opportunity to prove that we can deliver what we promise, and I am proud to say we have done just that. ARDOT considers the approval of Issue 1, a vote of confidence from all Arkansans.”
Arkansas Highway Commission Chairman Robert S. Moore Jr. extended gratitude to the voters.
“We thank them all for their support and trust,” he said. “With this passage of Issue 1, we will move ahead with the road and bridge work we promised to do. The Arkansas Highway Commission and ARDOT look forward with anticipation to the future where we have the resources to provide Arkansans with safe, smart, and efficient roads and bridges.”
Officials also commended Gov. Asa Hutchinson for unveiling the state’s Long Term Highway Funding Plan in 2019, which they said catalyzed Issue 1’s passage and the efforts of the Good Roads Foundation and the Roads and Bridges Coalition.