Pennsylvania accepting transportation project applications

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State officials said the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is accepting applications to fund new transportation improvement projects through Nov. 6, 2020, via the Multimodal Transportation Fund (MTF).

“The Multimodal Transportation Fund enhances connectivity in our state and allows local projects to benefit all regions,” PennDOT Secretary Yassmin Gramian said. “Projects are selected based on safety benefits, regional economic conditions, technical and financial feasibility, job creation, energy efficiency, and operational sustainability.”

Eligible applicants include municipalities, council of governments, business/non-profit organizations, economic development organizations, public transportation agencies, public airports, airport authorities, and ports and rail entities.

Proposed projects should, per authorities, coordinate local land use with transportation assets to enhance existing communities; improve streetscape, lighting, sidewalk facilities, and pedestrian safety; improve connectivity or utilization of existing transportation assets; or advance transit-oriented-development.

During the current fiscal year, 27 projects were awarded over $30 million in MTF funding throughout 23 counties, including such projects as the construction of trail and road access to the new 10-acre Bridesburg Riverfront Park in the southeast region of the state, the installation of 4,100 feet of curb and 2,100 feet of sidewalks/related streetscape work in the northeast region of the state, and converting two traditional intersections into modern roundabouts to reduce congestion and enhance pedestrian mobility in the southeast.