FirstEnergy officials said the utility has resumed its Power Systems Institute (PSI) program, an initiative designed to train line and substation workers halted for four months because of the pandemic.
“The Power Systems Institute already has provided FirstEnergy’s operating companies with nearly 2,000 highly-qualified employees who are working in the field today, using the training they received from this unique program to keep the lights on for our customers,” Rob Petit, supervisor of Power Systems Institute, said. “We’re committed to maintaining our deep focus on safety as we continue this important training program for the future employees of our company.”
PSI personnel are adhering to corporate health and safety guidelines, taking precautions to safeguard FirstEnergy’s employees, contractors, students, and candidates at the training centers.
Actions, officials said, include daily temperature checks and screening to ensure health and wellness; smaller group sizes with students working in pod-like groups to limit exposure; maintaining six-feet social distances between instructors and students whenever possible; requiring facemasks when moving through the building and in spaces where six-feet social distancing is not possible; enhanced cleaning of classrooms, tools, and equipment; and remote coursework options for new applicants.
The utility indicated second-year students of the two-year program returned to training centers on July 6, while first-year students returned July 27 to complete suspended training.