The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) is encouraging purchases of light-duty plug-in electric vehicles over 10 years, offering an incentive via its Charge Up New Jersey program.
The NJBPU recently presented the program’s Phase 1 online application providing an incentive up to $5,000 for purchasing the vehicle. The incentive applies to purchases made on or since Jan. 17, 2020, and is provided through the state’s Plug-in Electric Vehicle Incentive Fund.
“The world has changed significantly since we announced this initiative, but climate change and its impacts on our public health continues to be a major concern for our state and the world,” Gov. Phil Murphy said. “The transportation sector is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, which disproportionately impact low income and environmental justice communities. Incentivizing the transition to electric vehicles is a critical step in reaching our goal of 100 percent clean energy by 2050 and building healthier communities across New Jersey.”
The application and all program information can be found at www.chargeup.njcleanenergy.com.
“We are very proud to launch this website, which allows residents to apply for the electric vehicle incentive passed by the legislature and signed into law by Governor Murphy,” NJBPU President Joseph L. Fiordaliso said. “We know that times are unusual right now, and this is sure to come in handy for those who may be suffering from economic uncertainty while also helping New Jersey move one step closer toward reaching the goal of electrifying the transportation sector in support of a clean energy future.”
The incentive can be applied to any new light-duty plug-in electric vehicle purchase with a final MSRP below $55,000, officials said, noting the vehicle must be purchased or leased and registered in the state of New Jersey.