Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT&PF) recently announced the selection of 13 local projects slated to be funded through the Community Transportation Program (CTP).
The $56 million funding allotment was allocated for the projects in the wake of community nominations ranked by a Project Evaluation Board. The panel last met nine years ago to rank projects for the 2012-2015 Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP).
The CTP was placed on hold due to changes in federal funding and project balancing in the STIP.
“This program is intended to provide much-needed funding for community routes,” DOT&PF Commissioner John MacKinnon said. “We’re proud of the program and pleased to be able to make it available again.”
Projects submitted by communities for consideration were required to include cost-sharing, with community sponsors providing the required minimum federal match. Communities committing additional funds were awarded more points in the scoring process.
The approved projects include: Seldon Road extension Phase II (Wasilla); Akakeek, Ptarmigan, and DeLapp Street – heavy use road improvements (Bethel); Hemmer Road upgrade extension north to Bogard Road (Palmer); Fort Yukon road improvements and ROW Safety (Fort Yukon); Redoubt Avenue and Smith Way rehabilitation (Soldotna); and Cordova Second Street upgrades (Cordova).