The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announced Friday that it will expand its eligibility for federal assistance for transit agencies to use in responding to the coronavirus.
The move would allow all transit providers in states where the governor has declared a state of emergency to use federal funds for emergency-related capital and operating expenses while raising the existing cap on the federal government’s portion of those expenses. The expanded eligibility would cover operating expenses, as well as capital expenses. The expansion would increase the amount the federal government covers to 80 percent, up from 50 percent.
“Today, I have issued a notice of concurrence with declarations of emergencies issued by Governors that relate to COVID-19. FTA grantees may now use their Urbanized Area and Rural formula funds to take measures to protect the health and safety of their riders and their workforce,” said FTA Acting Administrator K. Jane Williams. “Expansion of the permissible uses of federal funds will allow transit providers greater flexibility in the areas of the country that need it most. Invoking the eligibility of the Emergency Relief Program also provide funds at a higher federal share.”
Part of the U.S. Department of Transportation, the FTA also created an online Emergency Relief docket to allow transit providers in those same states to request temporary relief from statutory and non-statutory requirements.
The FTA, as well as the US DOT of which it is a part, said it is working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other federal agencies to help public transportation organizations understand what they should be doing in response to the coronavirus. A Frequently Asked Questions list was posted to its web site for transit agencies after a recent conference call with stakeholders.