Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA) officials are supporting the Cleaner Trucks Initiative (CTI) Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking heavy-duty NOx goals.
MEMA officials said the organization supports new, stringent HD NOx standards encouraging adoption of cost-effective technologies while also encouraging EPA adoption of low-load, idling certification cycles and Moving Average Windows emissions in-use testing.
MEMA is also urging the EPA and CARB to continue to collaborate on the HD low NOx programs and working to harmonize the programs as closely as possible.
MEMA recently submitted comments to the EPA. Motor vehicle suppliers have made important advancements in emissions-reducing technologies and the CTI provides an opportunity for further reductions to HD NOx emissions standards.
A comprehensive federal CTI with aligned standards with California’s HD NOx program would advance technology innovation and create the certainty manufacturers require to be competitive, the MEMA maintains, advocating the EPA provide structured useful life and warranty requirements addressing suppliers’ need for a longer lead-time.
MEMA seeks to continue working with the EPA, stating that the initiative is vital to supplier industry stability, continued job growth, and preservation of strategic investments.