Massachusetts officials said 23 grants, totaling $4.2 million, will fund a total of 21 projects under the Baker-Polito Administration’s Workforce Transportation Grant Program.
The effort includes Regional Transit Authorities (RTA), municipalities, Transportation Management Associations (TMA), business organizations, and others demonstrating an intention to shift commuters from single-occupancy vehicles to other modes of transportation to help alleviate roadway congestion and reduce emissions.
“These Workforce Transportation Grants will allow employers to provide additional commuting options to their employees, increasing access to jobs, alleviating traffic congestion, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” Gov. Charlie Baker said. “Our administration will continue to work with the business community, local leaders, and the legislature to support ways to address congestion on the Commonwealth’s roadways.”
The actions stem from a recommendation in the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) 2019 Congestion Report to encourage employers to create innovative solutions for assisting employees to commute to work by using public transportation or shared transportation, authorities noted.
“The Administration is pleased to partner with the employer community and local transit agencies to help address traffic congestion,” Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito said. “These grants will help to ensure that people throughout Massachusetts have the best options for reaching their jobs and other economic opportunities.”
The workforce transportation grant funding would be provided for targeted operating assistance and the implementation of technology improvements that will benefit the transportation of workers.