As of the latest round of Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) grants, the U.S. of Transportation (USDOT) announced that $906 million would be made available for potential investment.
“The Department will invest more than $900 million in major projects that will improve transportation infrastructure, economic productivity, and quality of life across our nation,” U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao said of the Notice of Funding Opportunity.
Recipients will be divided into large and small project categories. For large projects, the INFRA grant must be at least $25 million, while INFRA grants must be at least $5 million for small projects. For each fiscal year of INFRA funds, 10 percent of available funds are reserved for small projects. Additionally, at least 25 percent of these INFRA grants will be given to rural projects. All are obligated to meet certain requirements in terms of project delivery and operations.
INFRA grants were begun by the FAST Act of 2015 to revamp deteriorating infrastructure. Specific criteria are set to emphasize projects with national and regional economic vitality goals, and then recipients are encouraged to pursue innovation and additional partnerships. Innovative technologies are of especial interest to the USDOT. Still, construction, rehabilitation, acquisition of property related to projects and land improvements, environmental mitigation, construction contingencies, equipment acquisition, and operational improvements directly related to system performance will all be considered.
Once given, funds can be used on various components of infrastructure projects, but most recipients will need significantly invested local sponsors and the ability to move rapidly on construction.