The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s District 1 had more than 50 projects worth more than $100 million under construction in 2019.
The district is located in the state’s northwest and includes six counties.
“We are proud of the investments we were able to make into the roadways throughout the region this year,” Jim Foringer, P.E., District 1 executive said. “We had several major projects completed and others get underway, all with the goal of providing safe and efficient transportation to residents, travelers, and businesses in northwest Pennsylvania.”
This year, bids for 79 contracts totaling approximately $167 million were put out to bid. The bids included 32 bridge and 47 roadway projects.
Construction also was underway for multiyear projects, including bridges over I-80, roadway resurfacing and bridge rehabilitation along Route 27, and bridge rehabilitation along Route 20.
Reconstruction and preservation of the eastern portion of Interstate 90 in Erie County also began. The $40 million project includes replacement of the Huntley Road Bridge over I-90, the construction of crossovers, and the reconstruction of the interstate from the Ohio state line to mile marker 3.5.
During 2019, District 1 employees resurfaced approximately 45 miles of secondary roads, patched potholes and sealed surface cracks on more than 900 miles of road, and paved roughly 140 miles.