Supported by airport and air traffic organizations, U.S. Reps. Julie Brownley (D-CA) and Rodney Davis (R-IL) have introduced the CONTRACT Act to eliminate financial handicaps that limit federal contract towers’ ability to recruit and hire air traffic controllers.
The CONTRACT Act — or Continuity for Operators with Necessary Training Required for ATC Contract Towers Act — is supported by the American Association of Airport Executives, U.S. Contract Tower Association, and the National Air Traffic Controllers Association. Though there are 256 air traffic control facilities currently participating in the Federal Aviation Administration’s Federal Contract Tower Program, proponents of the bill note that such towers are focused on hiring retired but qualified FAA controllers.
“Keeping all of our air traffic control towers open and fully staffed is critical for safety and helps our airports serve businesses and aviation enthusiasts in our region,” Brownley said. “This bill will ensure that FAA air traffic controllers, who choose to continue to work after the mandatory FAA retirement age of 56, can help us meet staffing needs at contract towers without losing their hard-earned retirement benefits.”
Technically, said employees could continue to work — but to do so would cost them a portion of their Social Security benefits. CONTRACT proposes to eliminate that penalty for those who choose to continue working as controllers at federal contract towers. Similar exemptions, the lawmakers noted, have been provided to retired federal controllers who went on to become instructors for other air traffic controllers.
“Many of our smaller airports across the country operate using contract towers, but current restrictions under the law are discouraging air traffic controllers from working in our rural areas,” Davis said. “This bill will help our contract towers recruit and retain controllers by allowing federal controllers to continue receiving their Social Security annuity payment while working at contract towers. Ensuring contract towers are properly staffed is critical to safety and the local economies these airports serve.”