New York State has completed the $150 million Woodbury Road Transit and Economic Development Hub project in Orange County five years ahead of schedule. The project improves traffic patterns, mobility and safety.
The project reconstructed the ramps accessing Interstate 87, replaced the Route 32 bridge over Route 17, constructed a Monroe-Woodbury High School Access Drive connector road for local school bus traffic, installed more than 2,000 solar panels at the Exit 16 right of way, and reconfigured the Exit 131 interchange between State Route 17 and State Route 32 to improve traffic flow.
Among the improvements, Route 17 at Route 32 was reconfigured into a Diverging Diamond Interchange, eliminating the need to cross traffic lanes while making left hand turns. Adaptive signal control technology was installed in traffic signals at the intersection to monitor the traffic and change the timing of lights during peak traffic times to provide longer access to green lights.
Also, the Nininger Road Extension separated local from through traffic and includes an underpass under Route 32 with roundabouts on both end.
Further, the Maher Lane Park and Ride was expanded to increase capacity from 208 spaces to 221 spaces and was redesigned to incorporate two electric vehicle charging stations.