Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) Director Brian Ness attended a meeting of the House Science, Space and Technology Subcommittee last week, using the opportunity to urge investments into transportation research and innovation.
Such investments, Ness said, represent a wise use of taxpayer funds, aiding states in the building and repair of roads and bridges at quicker and more efficient rates. While states already invest in their own roads, Ness wants to see more investment at the federal level, citing results in Indiana as an example of how much stands to be gained from such an investment.
“For example, the state of Indiana spent $3.9 million on research projects in 2017 and they report that five of those research projects saved the state just under $190 million,” Ness said. “What a great return on investment, saving 46 dollars for every dollar spent on research.”
In the past, ITD has also benefited from federal research funds. It used them to help create a new concrete mix that is used in accelerated bridge construction. Ness noted that research led to a product capable of replacing Ultra-High Performance Concrete and saving its state $10,000 to $15,000 per cubic yard.
“By coordinating, collaborating, pooling and leveraging time and money, and utilizing the combined knowledge and expertise of our diverse research community, we are making significant contributions and improvements to the advancement of our nation’s transportation system,” Ness said.