The U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has put up $60 million for grants designated to fund new technologies that improve transportation efficiency, while states, cities, and other agencies are eligible to compete for them under a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).
The grants are being offered under the Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment Program (ATCMTD). Focused on safety and mobility initiatives, they fund early deployments of technologies with the potential to be national models for improved travel. This latest NOFO is the fourth round for the FHWA and they are focusing on data collection systems, such as integrated corridor management, real-time traveler information, traffic data collection and dissemination, and other multi-modal intelligent transportation system technologies.
“Technology can make it possible to provide more reliable transportation options to benefit Americans in all areas of the country,“ Federal Highway Administrator Nicole Nason said.
Since 2016, the ATCMTD has dispersed $163 million to 28 separate projects throughout the country.