New Jersey recently announced the New Jersey Partnership to Plug-In, a partnership aimed at building the necessary infrastructure to support electric-vehicle (EV) ownership.
The partnership will be co-led by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, and the New Jersey Economic Development Authority. Other agencies contributing to the partnership include the Department of Transportation, Motor Vehicle Commission, and Department of Community Affairs.
“The New Jersey Partnership to Plug-In ensures that we are working collaboratively across state agencies and with our private sector partners, to not only meet but exceed our goal of registering 330,000 electric vehicles in New Jersey by 2025,” Gov. Phil Murphy said. “This new initiative is part of our broader effort to make renewable energy solutions work for everyone in New Jersey.”
The agencies will work on a specific set of tasks to deploy several critical aspects of EV infrastructure. The agencies also will work with lawmakers and corporations to make EV ownership more attractive.
In New Jersey, vehicle emissions contribute more than 40 percent of greenhouse gasses.
The state’s goal is to reach 100 percent clean energy by 2050.
The Department of Environmental Protection recently requested approval from the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trustee to disburse an additional $16 million for the deployment of EVs.