FRA proposes updating locomotive engineering certification requirements

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The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) posted a proposed revision to locomotive engineer qualification and certification regulations on the Federal Register on Wednesday.

The proposed revision would make the regulations consistent with those for conductors.

The revision has five parts. The first is to simplify the submission process by allowing electronic submissions and align certification requirements with conductor certification requirements to make it easier for railroad certification managers to administer both regulations. The revision also includes reducing the reporting burden of a person’s former employer, modernizing the dispute resolution process by allowing web-based dockets, and deferring the requirement for railroads to seek a waiver from annual testing when individuals take an extended absence from performing service requiring certification.

“The proposed revisions would modernize locomotive engineer certification regulations to match those for train conductors, and provide regulatory efficiencies and cost savings without compromising safety,” FRA Administrator Ronald L. Batory said. “The proposal would streamline the engineer certification process, and reduce paperwork burdens for the responsible parties.”

FRA is seeking written comments through July 8.

If a person cannot adequately present a position in a written statement, the FRA may schedule a public hearing, and a supplemental document will be published in the Federal Register. The request must be received prior to June 10.