A program through the Arizona Department of Transportation’s (ADOT) Enforcement and Compliance Division is providing safety-inspection training in Mexico.
The goal is to support commerce while promoting safety.
The program launched 18 months ago, and 576 drivers have completed the two-day International Border Inspection Qualification. These drivers have used the commercial ports of entry in Douglas, Nogales and San Luis more than 11,000 times, but have only been stopped for safety violations 31 times.
“The improved safety record of drivers who have completed the training shows that our training program is very effective and that the drivers attending our sessions are taking the process very seriously,” Tim Lane, director of ADOT’s Enforcement and Compliance Division, said. “We are making a positive impact on safety on Arizona roads.”
Over the past 18 months, 25 two-day training sessions have been held, taught by state-certified law enforcement officers. Participants learn about the safety requirements for driving commercial trucks in Arizona.
Nine more training sessions and seven requalification classes are scheduled over the next seven months.
ADOT is the first state department of transportation to provide safety inspection training in Mexico.
ADOT also is using the WhatsApp smartphone application to allow drivers to communicate with ADOT officers before reaching the border.