U.S. Senator Deb Fischer (R-NE) released a statement Monday in support of the Nebraska Department of Transportation’s plan to complete the Lincoln South Beltway project five years ahead of schedule.
Construction is scheduled to begin in spring of 2020 and end in 2027.
The $300 million project was partially funded by a $25 million Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery grant through the U.S. Department of Transportation.
“Working to secure the $25 million competitive federal grant for Lincoln South Beltway was important to me because of the positive impact it’s going to have on the lives of Nebraskans,” Fischer said. “It’s great to hear plans are underway to complete the project at a much faster rate and save taxpayer dollars during the process. I look forward to continuing to work with our local and state officials to get this done in a responsible and efficient way.”
The goal of the project is to increase connectivity throughout the state and alleviate congestion in Lincoln.
A new 11-mile east-west freeway will be constructed south of Lincoln between US-77 W and N-2 E. The freeway will have two lanes in each direction, five grade-separated interchanges, and inside and outside shoulders.
Fischer is chairwoman of the Senate Subcommittee on Transportation and Safety.